Fact ChecksUnfounded
This rating applies to a claim that we have investigated but found no demonstrable evidence to support it. Such claims typically originate as hearsay, speculation, or groundless rumor.

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A Black man in a brown suit stands next to a Black woman in a white gown who is holding his arm.
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Two people in mouse costumes are standing in a room. The person on the left has their hands on their hips and is wearing a male costume: a silver shirt with a black button down, blue pants, and silver shoes. The person on the right is wearing a female costume: white dress with a blue sash tied aorund its waist, silver shoes, black tights, and a white ribbon.
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A rumor said that US President Joe Biden had told FBI agents to make unannounced home visits to the homes of hundreds of thousands of Trump supporters.
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A rumor claimed that US President Joe Biden had ordered the FBI to make knock and talk visits to the homes of more than 100,000 Trump supporters.
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A Blakc man is smiling sitting at a microphone. He is wearing an orange shirt and smiling. A hedge can be seen behind him.
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A white woman wearing a black jacket and shirt smiles looking towards the right.
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An unsubstantiated rumor said that Rachel Zegler had been fired by Disney from the new Snow White movie.
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A white person wearing an earring that says "VETEMENTS." They have a beard and are wearing a black top.
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