Fact ChecksUnfounded
This rating applies to a claim that we have investigated but found no demonstrable evidence to support it. Such claims typically originate as hearsay, speculation, or groundless rumor.

Learn more about our rating system here.

A video claimed without evidence that Michelle Obama mistreated family chef Tafari Campbell.
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An unfounded rumor says that Ivana Trump was cremated and that her casket was filled with classified and top secret documents.
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Direct energy weapon or light pillar?
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Two Black men smile at each other while linking pinkies. The one on the left is wearing a red suit, while the one on the right is wearing a black suit. A Black boy can be seen faintly behind the Black man on the right.
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A baseless rumor said that someone named Dr. Benjamin Eidelman tweeted he had administered a COVID-19 vaccine booster to Damar Hamlin days prior to his collapse.
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A supposed diary quote said Ashley Biden wrote she was afraid of her dad coming in the shower.
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According to a rumor the Saudi-backed LIV Golf company awarded a trophy that was intentionally designed to resemble the destruction of the World Trade Center's twin towers on 9/11.
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Did Putin say he will make US depopulation plan public?
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Did someone mail their uterus to the Supreme Court?
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Chuck Schumer
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