Fact ChecksTravel
We're at our most vulnerable when we take on the role of tourist. If we aren't cheated by unscrupulous travel agents and tour guides, we have all the discomforts, dangers, and pitfalls of our chosen mode of travel to look forward to. We make our way through territory unfamiliar to us, places where we may not speak the language or understand the local customs and culture — with disastrous results. And who knows what might be lurking in those souvenirs we innocently cart home from abroad ...
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kummakivi balancing rock
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Tie, Accessories, Accessory
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tesla roadster in space
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A rumor said that the FAA's order to ground flights was the first time it had done so since September 11, 2001.
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Scandinavian Airlines passengers were treated to luxury and high-class foods in past decades.
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airplane toilet viewed from above
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Send the bedbug letter
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Are more people killed by donkeys every year than in airplane crashes?
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