Fact ChecksConspiracy Theories
This picture of Barack and Michelle Obama was doctored to give Michelle male features and pushed the debunked conspiracy theory that her name is Michael.
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frazzledrip video
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An unfounded rumor says that Ivana Trump was cremated and that her casket was filled with classified and top secret documents.
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Video supposedly showing a "directed energy weapon" attack on Maui in 2023 actually dates from 2018 and shows a series of electrical explosions in Kenner, Louisiana.
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Direct energy weapon or light pillar?
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A video clip from Ukraine did not show women carrying heavy concrete stones, as some tweets claimed.
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does video show joe biden being rolled out of white house in body bag or casket?
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This picture of Barack and Michelle Obama was doctored to give Michelle male features and pushed the debunked conspiracy theory that her name is Michael.
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Conspiracy theories claim that Paul Walker is still alive and is not dead, but they all fall short on evidence.
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