Fact ChecksMisattributed
This rating indicates that quoted material (speech or text) has been incorrectly attributed to a person who didn't speak or write it.

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Teacher, Person, Human
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Did Mariah Carey say she'd like to be skinny like 'starving kids'?
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George Washington’s private life and writings reveal no evidence of anti-Semitism.
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Although Jefferson certainly expressed disdain and mistrust of banking institutions and paper currency on many occasions, this particular quotation bears all the hallmarks of being a retroquote.
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Dr. Maya Angelou, who passed away in May 2014, became one of those figures (à la Mark Twain or Abraham Lincoln) who ended up with more of other people’s words attributed to her than words of her own.
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Audrey Hepburn poses for her publicity photo to promote the film Sabrina.
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Franklin Graham giving a speech
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Person, Human, Fashion
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Person, Human, Sitting
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Charles Darwin
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A fake quote attributed to Lord Macaulay was titled My India in 1835 and mentioned conquering India and the words break the very backbone of this nation.
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Pope Francis
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Attributed to Marilyn Monroe: "If you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.”
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A quote meme claimed that Thomas Paine once wrote or said that the duty of a true patriot is to protect his country from its government.
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Hat, Clothing, Apparel
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