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Tom Hanks once said he had no respect for people who didn't want to wear masks or social distance or wash their hands to prevent COVID-19 infection.
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Lauren Boebert was purported to have made a tweet about being a Christian on her knees where she is strongest.
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A white man wearing glasses looks forward. Next to him, a quote says, "Hard to believe there was ever a world leader as dumb as Donald Trump. Can't spell, can't read, has never managed." The first sentence of the quote is yellow, while the rest of the quote and the attribution are white. In cursive font towards the bottom of the image, it says, "Occupy Democrats."
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A quote attributed to Prince claims he once said that money won't buy you happiness, but it'll pay for the search.
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Elon Musk tweeted to Mark Zuckerberg the words Zuck is a cuck and then followed it up with I propose a literal dick measuring contest.
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A white man sits in the middle of a table, surrounded by people on either side of him. In the background are two flags with red and white stripes and white stripes on a blue square, as well as two flags with orange, white and green stripes. On the white stripe of the flag is a spoked wheel.
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Donald Trump once said of the protection of classified information that in his administration no one will be above the law.
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