Fact ChecksUnproven
This rating applies to a claim for which we have examined the available evidence but could not arrive at a true or false determination, meaning the evidence is inconclusive or self-contradictory.

Learn more about our rating system here.

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Person, Human, Face
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Person, Human, Tie
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Person, Human, Helicopter
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ewan McGregor colin McGregor RAF
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Alphabet, Text, Symbol
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TikTok's logo is on both a phone and in the background of a bigger screen.
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A tweet and Reddit thread claimed that President Donald Trump signed his signature on a NAFTA agreement in the wrong place by mistake.
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The word "Unproven" in yellow says over a photo. On the left of the photo stands a white woman wearing a leopard print dress and pink robe, while to the right it says in pink "I dress more provocatively and risque than any drag queen in Tennessee. Lord I hope."
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Three white people stand near a wall. The two on the right are wearing dresses.
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War itself is, of course, a form of madness. It's hardly a civilized pursuit. It's amazing how we spend so much time inventing devices to kill each other and so little time working on how to achieve peace.
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Albert Einstein.
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Person, Human, Clothing
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