Fact ChecksRace
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Hat, Clothing, Apparel
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White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre once called Fox News racist.
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Audience, Person, Crowd
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Police officer and chief Karl Baker was purportedly refused service at a diner and the online ad read as follows Cop Refused Service At A Restaurant Next Day He Does This.
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Flag, Symbol, American Flag
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Hair, Person, Human
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Book, Text, Field
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Word, Symbol, Alphabet
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Did Mister Rogers share a pool with a Black police officer
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Did Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Refuse to Do Interviews With White Journalists?
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Pelosi tweet Willy Mays Willie McCovey
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Person, Human, Pedestrian
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Ben and Jerry's Daunte Wright white supremacy tweet
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Elmo spoke to two new Black characters on "Sesame Street."
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Boulder shooting suspect morally white
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Book, Furniture, Shelf
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Person, Human, Clothing
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Flag, Symbol, Person
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