Fact ChecksQuestionable Quotes
We all love the pithy quote, the clever put-down, the witty bon mot, the scintillating turn of phrase. We store them away in our conversational jewelry boxes, waiting for just the right occasion to decorate our speeches with their sparkle. What we often don’t realize is that many of these glittering linguistic gems are not the real thing, but mere costume jewelry.
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elon musk closing twitter
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The word "Unproven" in yellow says over a photo. On the left of the photo stands a white woman wearing a leopard print dress and pink robe, while to the right it says in pink "I dress more provocatively and risque than any drag queen in Tennessee. Lord I hope."
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Albert Einstein.
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The Damn Those Pesky Facts Quotes Meme showed eight quotes about Christianity and religion from Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Thomas Paine, and James Madison.
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Albert Einstein
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Denzel Washington never said just because you don't share it on social media doesn't mean you are not up to big things and live it and stay low key as well as privacy is everything.
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Did Morgan Freeman say 'Don't take criticism from people you wouldn't go to for advice'?
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Mark Twain
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Former US President George Washington never said when any nation mistrusts its citizens with guns it is sending a clear message nor did he say that it no longer trusts its citizens because such a government has evil plans.
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