Fact ChecksFood
The hunt for food is the dominant activity in the lives of all animals, and the collection, growing, and hunting of food was the primary occupation of human beings for thousands of years. Although technological advances mean far fewer people take part in the production of our food these days, the preparation, consumption, and enjoyment of food remains a significant factor in our lives.
Mom, you cooked a pregnant turkey!!!
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Old roast turkey recipe calls for stuffing made with unpopped popcorn and is ready when the popcorn blows the ass off the turkey.
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Plant, Fruit, Food
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If you really don’t want to eat at McDonald’s, it’s not hard to come up with a few legitimate reasons not to.
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Lizard, Reptile, Animal
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coca cola garlic
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Is chocolate milk is made from "regular" milk rejected for containing too much cow's blood?
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Person, Human, Food
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Person, Human, Restaurant
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fires food processing plants burned down
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A Facebook post claimed that McDonald's ice cream contains xylitol which is a sugar alcohol that is toxic and deadly to dogs.
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Car, Automobile, Vehicle
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Do the McDonald's golden arches look like breasts? That's what a psychologist purportedly found in market research.
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charcuterie board
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subway tuna
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Text, Electronics, Advertisement
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We looked into how much a Big Mac costs in Denmark.
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Text, Plant, Poster
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A meme claimed a photo showed chicken covered in lice marks
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