
Elon Musk: A Collection of Rumors About His Wealth, Career — and More

Snopes readers have been peppering us with loads of questions about the new Twitter boss.

Published Dec 21, 2022

Image Via CARINA JOHANSEN/NTB/AFP via Getty Images

Since acquiring Twitter in October 2022, Tesla's Elon Musk and his actions as the social platform's new CEO have been the subject of myriad news stories, rumors, memes, and online discussions.

It's no surprise, then, that Snopes readers have asked us about everything from claims regarding Musk's immigration status to those "apartheid emerald mine" rumors.

Below is a collection of our key fact checks related to Musk's background, his acquisition of Twitter, and more.

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A fake tweet attributed to Elon Musk reads, 'You know, in some parts of the world, journalists get murdered for crossing the wrong people. Banning the reporters I don't like from my own platform feels like a pretty innocuous alternative to me.'
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The location information of Elon Musk's private jet was allegedly used by a stalker who followed a car carrying Musk's son.
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A picture of Joy Behar said that Elon Musk issued a tender offer to buy The View outright for $17 and a coupon for a free appetizer at Applebee's.
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Person, Human, Audience
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A rumor says that Elon Musk received wealth or inheritance from an apartheid or slave emerald mine.
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Elon Musk billboard
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Elon Musk did not appoint Donald Trump Jr. as Twitter's new CEO.
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elon musk
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