
How Is Record US Inflation Impacting Your Life? Share Your Story!

This spring, Snopes wants to hear how you're navigating rising prices at grocery stores, gas stations, and elsewhere.

Published Apr 19, 2022

Woman on her back pushing shopping cart in supermarket aisle (Getty Images/Stock photo)
Woman on her back pushing shopping cart in supermarket aisle (Image Via Getty Images/Stock photo)

Over the past year, U.S. inflation rocketed at its quickest pace in more than four decades. From the grocery store to the gas pump, rising consumer prices are taking a toll on Americans' wallets.

Snopes wants to hear how these changing economic conditions are impacting your everyday life. Maybe you're canceling that cross-country road trip that you scheduled for summer; or you're opting for the bus instead of driving solo to work, or cutting back on late-night, frivolous online shopping.

Whatever the case may be — or how your particular financial situation is changing — send your story to the email address below, and we may follow up with you to feature your experience in an article.

To participate, email with a summary of your experience, as well as a way to contact you. Include the word "inflation" in your email's subject line.

This effort is part of Snopes' political newsletter, called OnTheIssues, that appears biweekly in the inboxes of subscribers and features exclusive, nonpartisan fact-checking. Sign up.

Confused about what's happening with the economy? We recommend this explainer by The Associated Press and this Marketplace interview with Robert Rich, director of the Center for Inflation Research and a senior economic and policy adviser at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. He explained how people often misconceive "inflation" as the prices of single items moving higher — when, in reality, it's about a wide range of prices "that are not experiencing one-time increases, but instead will continue to rise on an ongoing basis."

Jessica Lee is Snopes' Senior Assignments Editor with expertise in investigative storytelling, media literacy advocacy and digital audience engagement.

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