Fact Check

Does Drone Footage Show Bigfoot Roaming a Snowy Forest?

One headline promoting the video read, "New drone footage of 'Bigfoot' described as the best evidence yet."

Published Jul 18, 2023

Image Via YouTube
Aerial footage shot from a drone shows the mythical creature Bigfoot roaming a snowy forest.

In mid-July 2023, we received reader mail that asked if there was "new drone footage" of the mythical creature Bigfoot, who is also sometimes referred to as Sasquatch.

One reader directed us to an article from LADbible that showed the headline, "New drone footage of 'Bigfoot' described as the best evidence yet."

However, despite this headline, we noticed that it wasn't until the very end of the article that the writer said that the video was intended as a "prank." In other words, no, it wasn't true.

The LADbible story credited the creator of the video, but did not include any external links to the sources of the footage.

A brief search led us to a TikTok video that was published by @the_paranormal_chic on or around July 15.

In the video, @the_paranormal_chic said, "So, this video. I am reposting it simply because I still firmly believe it's one of the best recordings of what looks to be like a Bigfoot caught on camera."

The TikTok user added, "This was actually captured by Ken's Karpentry back in late November of 2022. He was actually looking for a mama bear and her cubs when he encountered this unidentified creature. Is it a Bigfoot? Is it a hoax? You'll have to decide."

The original YouTube video from Ken's Karpentry was posted on Dec. 3, 2022. It was titled, "Sasquatch, Bigfoot or a Bear? Not Real." The YouTube channel's description reads, "We build garages in Northeastern Vermont. Building since 1987."

The purported Bigfoot sighting begins at the 2:21 mark in the video:

Ken's Karpentry also posted other similar videos with a person in a Bigfoot costume, including one with the mythical creature assisting with some construction work:

We reached out to YouTube channel's creator with questions about the humorous videos and will update this story if we receive a response.


Jones, Callum. "Kens Karpentry." YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/@kenskarpentry/.

"New Drone Footage of 'Bigfoot' Described as the Best Evidence Yet." LADbible, 17 July 2023, https://www.ladbible.com/community/weird/drone-footage-bigfoot-best-evidence-yet-441773-20230717.

@the_paranormal_chic. "What Do You Think, Bigfoot or Hoax?" TikTok, 15 July 2023, https://www.tiktok.com/@the_paranormal_chic/video/7256429806483524906.

Jordan Liles is a Senior Reporter who has been with Snopes since 2016.

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