Fact Check

Did Mark Zuckerberg Ban Elon Musk from Facebook?

Musk has previously said that he's never had a Facebook account.

Published Jun 13, 2023

Image Via @HeavenScent88/Twitier
On March 8, 2023, Mark Zuckerberg banned Elon Musk from Facebook.

On March 8, 2023, SpaceXMania published an article claiming that Mark Zuckerberg had banned Elon Musk from Facebook:

Just in: Mark Zuckerberg bans Elon Musk from Facebook, Elon responds

In a surprising move, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has announced that he will be banning Tesla CEO Elon Musk from the social media platform, citing Musk's "unpredictable behavior" and "tendency to cause chaos."

The decision comes after a series of bizarre tweets from Musk, which included accusations of Facebook's role in the spread of misinformation and calls for the platform to be regulated.

In response, Musk took to Twitter (which he has not been banned from… yet) to mock Zuckerberg's decision, stating, "Who needs Facebook anyway? Instagram is way cooler and Twitter rocks my socks!"

On March 29, 2023, SpaceXMania published another article claiming that Musk had filed a $1 billion lawsuit against Zuckerburg for deleting the account:

Elon Musk Files a Billion Dollar Lawsuit Against Mark Zuckerberg For Deleting His Facebook Account

In a shocking turn of events, Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX and Tesla, has filed a billion-dollar lawsuit against Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, for allegedly deleting Musk's personal Facebook account.

According to the lawsuit, Musk's account was deleted by Facebook without any prior warning or explanation. The lawsuit alleges that this action was taken as a result of Musk's critical comments about Facebook and its role in spreading fake news and misinformation.

We found at least one other website repeated the article about Musk filing a $1 billion lawsuit against Zuckerberg for deleting his Facebook account. The article was used in a TikTok post promoting the claim. We also found dozens of posts on Twitter linking to the SpaceXMania article about Zuckerberg banning Musk from Facebook.

Neither of the SpaceXMania articles were real. Both were labeled on the SpaceXMania website as satire. On the website's disclaimer page, SpaceXMania has a section disclaiming some of the content on the site as satire:

Please note that some of the articles on this website are satirical in nature and are not meant to be taken seriously. These articles are meant to be humorous and are often entirely made up. We make no claim that the information presented in these articles is true or accurate.

Readers should exercise caution and use their own judgment when reading and interpreting our satirical articles. We take no responsibility for any actions taken based on the content of these articles.

We understand that some readers may be unfamiliar with satire and may not understand that these articles are not meant to be taken at face value. It is the responsibility of the reader to discern the intent of these articles and to understand that they are not presented as factual news.

Musk has previously said that he's never had a Facebook account. "It's not a political statement and I didn't do this because someone dared me to do it," he posted to Twitter after he deleted the Facebook pages for Tesla and SpaceX in March 2018. "Just don't like Facebook. Gives me the willies. Sorry."

For background, here is why we sometimes write about satire/humor.


"Disclaimer." SpaceXMania, https://spacexmania.com/disclaimer/. Accessed 13 June 2023.

"https://twitter.com/elonmusk/Status/977660603975151616." Twitter, https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/977660603975151616. Accessed 13 June 2023.

Mak, Aaron. "Elon Musk Takes Down Facebook Pages for Tesla and SpaceX." Slate, 23 Mar. 2018. slate.com, https://slate.com/technology/2018/03/elon-musk-delete-facebook-pages-tesla-spacex.html.

Izz Scott LaMagdeleine is a fact-checker for Snopes.