Fact Check

Shirt Commemorates 9/11 Attack?

Infamous photograph purportedly shows a 9/11-themed shirt sold in the Middle East.

Published Jan 30, 2012

Photograph shows a 9/11-themed shirt sold in the Middle East.

This photograph of a man wearing what appears to be a 9/11-themed shirt has been circulating online for many years since the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, alongside claims that it depicts a mass-produced item commonly worn by residents of Middle Eastern countries — demonstrating that those who live in that part of the world disdain America and/or approved of the attacks:

We're constantly clubbed on the head with the claim that the Muslim world condemns 9/11, abhors 9/11, etc. Yet every day Shirts like this a mass produced, marketed, and sold by street venders throughout the middle east and it's simply OK.

However, contextual items within the photograph indicate it was taken in India rather than the Middle East, and the garment appears to be a locally made item fashioned by a small-scale manufacturer rather than a mass-produced one.

Moreover, some (or most) of the shirt's buyers may have been attracted by its colorful and vibrant design and without necessarily recognizing its import. Unfortunately, many people throughout the world purchase and display items bearing the likenesses of such notorious figures as Adolf Hitler, Che Guevara, and Josef Stalin without being aware of who those people are or what they did that made them (in)famous.

David Mikkelson founded the site now known as snopes.com back in 1994.

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