Fact Check

No, Televangelist Jimmy Swaggart Didn't Die from Blood Cancer in June 2023

We found posts on Swaggart's social media accounts posted after the claimed date of his death.

Published Jul 17, 2023

Image Via @CelebrityEdition/YouTube
On June 13, 2023, Jimmy Swaggart died from blood cancer.

On July 6, 2023, a YouTube video claimed that televangelist Jimmy Swaggart had died from blood cancer the previous month. We found the claim was a death hoax.

The video was titled, "5 minutes ago / The family announced the sad news about Jimmy Swaggart / Farewell in tears." It claimed Swaggart had died from blood cancer on June 13, 2023. 

We found other unrelated videos on YouTube about the claim, including one video posted in June 2023. One video posted in April 2023 had the same title and thumbnail, but did not mention blood cancer or that Swaggart had died.

There was no evidence he had died. 

We found posts on his social media accounts that were posted after the claimed date of his death. On July 17, 2023 — the same day we published this fact check — his Instagram account posted a request for donations to a SonLife Broadcasting Network share-a-thon. SonLife Broadcasting Network is part of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. 


In short, at the time of this writing, no reputable publications had reported that Swaggart had died from blood cancer. If Swaggart had died, obituaries would have been published by news organizations.

We've previously fact-checked other celebrity death hoaxes, including Jeremy Renner and Dolly Parton.


Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/CuzRFJ-IOe7/?img_index=1. Accessed 17 July 2023.

Liles, Jordan. "Jeremy Renner Is Not Dead, Despite False Rumor About 'Freak Escalator Accident.'" Snopes, 23 June 2023, https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/jeremy-renner-dead-june-2023/.

WATCH: Televangelist Likens LGBT Equality Supporters to ISIS "Thugs." https://www.advocate.com/politics/religion/2014/11/19/watch-televangelist-likens-lgbt-equality-supporters-isis-thugs. Accessed 17 July 2023.

Wrona, Aleksandra. "Dolly Parton Is Not Dead, as Some Social Media Posts Claim." Snopes, 5 June 2023, https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/dolly-parton-death-hoax/.

Izz Scott LaMagdeleine is a fact-checker for Snopes.

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